Our Small Repairs Service provides a trusted team of small repairs maintenance workers to carry out small repairs to clients' homes, to enable them to remain safe and secure within their own homes, whilst retaining as much independence as possible.
Lomond and Clyde Care & Repair carry out Home Safety Inspections in the homes of elderly and disabled people living in West Dunbartonshire. These safety audits are carried out by our “RoSPA” qualified team of small repair workers. Home safety checks are carried out to identify hidden danger points such as worn carpets and damaged electrical sockets/household appliances.
The Audit includes an Inspection of each room in the home; falls prevention advice; home security advice; and general home safety advice.
This would include:
Lomond and Clyde Care & Repair provides Hearing assessment to elderly and disabled clients of West Dunbartonshire; this is carried out at the same time as the home safety/security audit. From the assessment we can identify any equipment that is required, such as flashing door bell, loop system, teleflash. This type of equipment helps clients with hearing difficulties.
West Dunbartonshire Council supply the materials via the Sensory Impairment Team. This allows us to install these aids for the client free of charge. The sensory impairment team also refer clients to us for the installation of equipment.
If you are worried about a problem with your property, are looking for a reliable contractor or just need some technical advice please call us.
We have technically qualified staff available to discuss your problem, which can often result in re-assurance that it is not as bad as it seems, and that help is available.
We can also signpost you to other organisations who may be able to help with an issue you have, such as welfare rights, social isolation, nuisance phone calls. We work closely with our colleagues in West Dunbartonshire Council e.g. Housing, Social Work, Trading Standards and other organisations such as West Dunbartonshire Community Volunteering Service (WDCVS), Police Scotland and Scottish Fire & Rescue Service.
If the work you require cannot be carried out by our in-house services, we can refer you to reputable contractors who can help. We maintain our own small list of vetted approved contractors for works such as roofing, roughcasting, plumbing, heating and electrical.
West Dunbartonshire Council have a Trusted Trader scheme and their members have been vetted by Trading Standards. Feedback and comments from previous customers are available to view.
Please visit WDC Trusted Trader scheme using the following link:-
If you are a member of a Seniors Forum or Group, Lunch Club or Support Group we are happy to come along and talk about our services, speak to your members on a one to one basis and provide leaflets and other literature.
If you are arranging a community event, we will be happy to come along to and host a stall and hand out information and promotional items to the public.
© 2024 Lomond and Clyde Care & Repair | Unit 3, Leven Valley Enterprise Centre, Castlehill Road, Dumbarton, G82 5BN | Tel: